The Family History Photo Archive
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Share your family history photos.
Welcome to the The Family History Photo Archive. An easy to search A-Z library, for managing and sharing old photographs.You don't need to contribute photographs to sign up and search the archive, but if you do have any old photos that you would like to copy and send, then we would be happy to host them on pages for you. Member contributed photo scans, and any information you wish to accompany them, are a crucial part of building the library, along with our own research and acquirements. We believe that old photographs are an important part of historical research and family history. We regularly add photos and links to websites and collections from all over the world, and we'll also create pages for your family photos.
There is a sample member's page for you to look at. This shows how we present contributed photo scans.
Remember to return regularly to the site and check for updates and new entries and collections. We are endeavouring, with your help to extend the archive as quickly and comprehensively as possible.
All copyright and ownership of your photographs
remains with you, and there will be no unauthorised use of your images.
The archive carries no advertising, as we feel this would interfere with the accessibilty and display of photographs on our pages. Therefore we run and manage the archive with the small membership fee of just $3.00 (or currency equivalent) per year. This will enable us to continually expand the library and provide for an ongoing service. Simply go to the Subscribe and Sign-in page. You will receive a welcome email which will give you complete access to the archive. You'll find information on submitting photos there also.
©The Family History Photo Archive.
This gentleman is Mr. T. E. Buckley, and he is the face of the Family History Photo Archive. I found his photograph, along with others, under building rubble and builder's boots in an old church, and they were about to be lost forever. From what I can make out, the photos represent all the church members who fought and died in two world wars. These photos became, in part the inspiration for the Archive. I chose Mr. Buckley's photo because he seems to smile.
Steve Foster.
Photo Archive Editor.
Some of our family history friends -